Thursday, 30 August 2018


Desktop Effects KWIN - An alternative for Compiz

Few years ago the Linux users can be divided into two categories: GNOME lovers and KDE lovers. But things have changed when Ubuntu adapted new desktop environment called "Unity Interface". I think Unity Interface destroyed the name of Ubuntu. After implementing Unity, the Linux Mint gradually became most popular Linux distro. Actually many Ubuntu users have adjusted with Unity Interface and other group given up using Ubuntu and moved towards Linux Mint Mate, Linux Mint Cinnamon, Ubuntu XFCE, Zorin OS, etc. Most of them who moved were GNOME lovers.
KWin 4.4 with Cube effect.
KWin is the default window manager in KDE environment. KWin 5.x is latest version which depends on KDE framework 5. KWin window manager can be used as an alternative for Compiz window manager. The KWin can generate almost all animations and effects that can be produced by Compiz.

The effects supported by KWin are,

  • Invert
  • Looking glass
  • Magnifier 
  • Sharpen
  • Snap helper
  • Track mouse
  • Zoom
  • Explosion 
  • Fade
  • Fade desktop
  • Fall apart
  • Highlight windows
  • Magic lamp 
  • Mouse mark
  • Wobbly window, etc (^)

$ sudo apt-get install kde-window-manager