Thursday, 23 August 2018


Don't use bluish wallpaper and backgrounds!!! Reason

     Blue backgrounds are beautiful. I personally like bluish wallpapers, but actually bluish wallpapers and backgrounds are not good for eye. Bluish lights are coming from not only from the sun, but also from,
  • Fluorescent light
  • CFL bulbs
  • LED light
  • LED/LCD monitors

     The exposure of bluish light affects vision and lead to prematurely age the eyes. Also the exposure of bluish light lead - Digital eye strain and Retina damage. The blue light can affect the body's circadian rhythm, that is, the wake and sleep cycle. Blue light have power to stimulate us. Due to this, high exposure of blue light in night can cause harder to get to sleep.
     The reason behind this problem by blue lights is because of blue lights are low frequency light, like UV Rays. The UV Rays can lead eye damage. Blue lights are not dangerous upto UV Rays. But it can also lead to eye problems.
     To prevent this phenomena take these steps,
  • Take a break every 20 minutes.
  • Don't forget to blink your eyes when using computers and mobiles. It can prevent eye straining.
  • Use computer glasses. Yellow tinted lenses can block the blue light exposure.
  • Use filters to filter blue lights.
  • Don't use computers and mobiles in dark room.