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Saturday 1 September 2012


Programming Languages and Evolution

The evolution of programming languages can be devided into 3 stage.
  1. Machine Language
  2. Assembly Language
  3. High Level Programming Language
 Machine Language
     The first programming language was binary language also known as machine language, which was used in earliest computers and machines. Computers can understand only two binary quotes 1 and 0. Therefore every instructions and data should be written using 0s and 1s. Instruction in machine language consist of two parts. The first part is an operation which tells the computer what functions are to be performed. The second part of instruction is operant which tells the computer work to find or store the data.

Assembly Language
     An assembly language is a symbolic language. It provides a instructions usually 3 letters long correspond to each machine instructions.

General Format
[Label] <opcode> <operands> [; comment]
BEGIN ADD A,B; Add A and B

High Level Languages
    High level languages are written using a set of words and symbols following some rules. Similar to natural language such as English. The program written in High level languages are known as source programs and these programs are converted into machine readable form by using compilers or interpreters. Compiler is a program which translates source codes written in particular programming language into computer readable code. During the translation process the compiler reads the source program and checks "Syntax Errors".