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Sunday 2 September 2012


Hello World

This is the basic step of every programming languages. Hello world may the first step.
In C language we use stdio.h (header file) for standard input and output. The header file stdio includes "printf" function. printf is used to print output.

Now check the above first code.

#include : is used to import the header files. Here I want to print a function so I need to import the header file for print function. stdio.h is the header file which includes print function.

main() :Tells the computer program starts.

{ (Opening brace) : Opening brace is the starting place of Declaration and Execution part.

} (Closing brace) : It is the ending place of Declaration and Execution part.

printf : printf is used to print message.

getch() : getch() is used to open compiled file in a stable console

Some more in Printf
     How to make printf some more advanced.

Here I used two printf functions. My target is to print "Ajmal Joshi Greets You" in one line and "Good Morning" in another line. But result of this code is "Ajmal Joshi Greets YouGood Morning".
We can use the "\n" for solve this problem.

Yeah solved that. But we can use this in one printf function.

Solved this problem in One line.