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Sunday 30 September 2012

Ajith KP

Button Trick in CSS

Guyzzz howz this button in CSS?
It is created in CSS with a simple way...

CSS Code:

Image Effects in CSS

Hello Guyzzz howz the CSS Effect in Image showned bellow.....

It is a simple CSS Effect which you can apply in Blogger based blog also...

Guyzzz howz this effect in CSS? Do you want to add this features in your website or in your blog? Just copy and apply it.

Friday 28 September 2012


Neon Light Effects in CSS

Guyzzz howz this dim neon light effects in links and headers of my blog? Try here...

Hi It is a Header [h2] using CSS Effect 

Howz this effect whenn you over mouse on headers and links?

For apply this effect in your blogger based blog copy the whole code


and apply it in Add CSS.

I f you like this dim neon light effect don't forgot to write your comments...

 ----- Ajith Kp and Ajmal Joshi

Thursday 27 September 2012


"Blue Matrix" - Blogger Template

Guyz look our template and evaluates its graphics created by terminal team. Here we would like to share the source code of this template... The full graphics was edited by us [Ajith Kp and Ajmal Joshi].

Source Code:

Click here to download from pastebin.
Write your comments and critisisms... Help us to improve our codes...

Find Out Your Linux Environments

This is a simple C program which can use for print the runtime environment in Linux OS.


TextArea Tricks in Blogger CSS

Brothers did you like this CSS Animated TextArea ?

Guyzzz How to add this like textarea in your blogger based blog?
From Template  Select Edit HTML and Proceed to edit.
Just copy the whole code

and paste just above  "]]></b:skin>" and save the template [Search "></b:skin>" by Ctrl+F.]

Then while posting textarea content select HTML and add textarea like this,

<textarea class="adv-textarea">
Textarea Content

Hope You understand this... Don't forget to comment here...

Friday 21 September 2012


SQLMap Automated Command Executor

Hello Guyz... I hope you are using SQLMAP for automated SQLi. It is better tool for SQL Injection compared to other SQLinjector tools.
Here I'm introducing a tool for automated command executor for SQLMAP.
You don't need use full commands.

Save the file in same directory of sqlmap.py  

Compile the file using gcc compiler in Linux.

gcc -o sqlmap sqlmap.c

and run by command


Insert you inputs and try the automated SQLMap Command Executor

Hope You Will Enjoy this...

Source Code:

Hope You'll give your comments and critisisms to improve my self...

Thursday 20 September 2012


Batch File Trick to Bypass "cd" command

It is fucking when we run a Java,Perl, Python,Ruby programs in Windows. There are many step for run a script in windows.
>cd c:\scripts
>python script.py -u www.website.com
if script is in Drive E:\ then there is one more step.
>cd e:\scrpts
>python script.py -u www.website.com
Here is a bypass trick for "cd" command. Create a bat file in same directory. Eg. c:\scripts\script.py script.py in directory scripts in drive c:\ create a batch file script.bat in c:\scripts the source code for batch file:

Run the batch file and input the command

python script.py -u www.website.com 

Hope you will try this trick

Monday 10 September 2012


Simple Graphical Program in Python

Hello guys. Python comes with graphical module Tkinter. It is gives opportunity to develop graphical program. Check this code.

You can create useful tools by using this module.

Friday 7 September 2012


Simple Malware

A simple malware coded in Visual C++. It will detect by antivirus(Kaspersky) as HEUR:Trojen:Win32. Even though use this for education purpose.

Enjoy Yourself.

Logic Guideline

Programming depends on your logic. For Example,
Teacher asked students to create a problem which gives answer 100.

Student A : 50+50=100
Student B : 150-50=100
Student C : 10x10=100
Student D : 1000/10=100

Look the logic of Students.

Like that you want need a logic mint to solve the problems.

One more Logic based example for print 1 to 100. So you need a wise mint to simplify the problem.
It is not applicable to use,

So your wise mint should simplify this. You mint must find use of "Loops" in this situation.
Lets look how to solve this using "Loops".

While Loop

For Loop

This is also depends on your Logic.

Wednesday 5 September 2012


Architecture of CPU

The software engineer must know about hardware because software and hardware is related each other. CPU is the brain of the computer. CPU consist of 3 parts
  1. ALU [Arithmetic and Logic Unit]
  2. Registers
  3. Control Unit
ALU [Arithmetic and Logic Unit] 
     The  Arithmetic and Logic Unit contains the electronic circuits that execute all arithmatic and logic data.
Arithmetic Unit
 The Arithmetic Unit contains the circuitry that is responsible for performing arithmetic calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Logic Unit
Logic Unit enables the CPU to make logical operations. The operations are logical comparison between data items. Logical Operators are =, <=,>=,etc.

     Registers are special purpose high speed temporary memory units. It holds various types of information such as data, instructions, addresses and intermediate results of calculations. Registers are known as working memory of CPU, because it holds the information that the CPU is currently working on.

Control Unit 
The unit checks the correctness of sequence of operation. It contains the circuitry that uses electrical signals to direct the entire computer system carry out or execute  stored program  instructions.  The control unit does not participating any execution process, but is controls everything in a computer.


Hello World in Java Style

Java is a general purpose, OOP language developed by Sun Microsystems in 1991. The initial name "Oak" was given by the developer James Gosling, later named to Java. The use of Java is increases day by day. Hand held devices like Mobile, Smart phones, Computers, ATM,etc are run in Java.

Hello world in Java style

Class Declaration
 The class is declared as "Print" in this snippet. "class" is a keyword in Java and declares a new class. After compile this code you will get a class file named Print.class . Class file also know as Java bytecode.

Execution Part
 The only part which execute in above line snippet is,
      System.out.println("Hello World");

Java have two types of print functions print and println.
Check the print in Java.

The reult will be "Hello I'm w3p.How are You?" If you want place this words in different lines use "\n"

I hope you under stand what I mean. Now use of println. Println is used to print in different lines.

The out put will be same as the result which we used "\n" in print function.

Message Box in One Line Code

Hello Guys, here I would like to introduce a one line code to create a graphical message box.

Copy the above code and save it as message.vbs and run that file.

Sunday 2 September 2012


Hello World

This is the basic step of every programming languages. Hello world may the first step.
In C language we use stdio.h (header file) for standard input and output. The header file stdio includes "printf" function. printf is used to print output.

Now check the above first code.

#include : is used to import the header files. Here I want to print a function so I need to import the header file for print function. stdio.h is the header file which includes print function.

main() :Tells the computer program starts.

{ (Opening brace) : Opening brace is the starting place of Declaration and Execution part.

} (Closing brace) : It is the ending place of Declaration and Execution part.

printf : printf is used to print message.

getch() : getch() is used to open compiled file in a stable console

Some more in Printf
     How to make printf some more advanced.

Here I used two printf functions. My target is to print "Ajmal Joshi Greets You" in one line and "Good Morning" in another line. But result of this code is "Ajmal Joshi Greets YouGood Morning".
We can use the "\n" for solve this problem.

Yeah solved that. But we can use this in one printf function.

Solved this problem in One line.

Saturday 1 September 2012


Programming Languages and Evolution

The evolution of programming languages can be devided into 3 stage.
  1. Machine Language
  2. Assembly Language
  3. High Level Programming Language
 Machine Language
     The first programming language was binary language also known as machine language, which was used in earliest computers and machines. Computers can understand only two binary quotes 1 and 0. Therefore every instructions and data should be written using 0s and 1s. Instruction in machine language consist of two parts. The first part is an operation which tells the computer what functions are to be performed. The second part of instruction is operant which tells the computer work to find or store the data.

Assembly Language
     An assembly language is a symbolic language. It provides a instructions usually 3 letters long correspond to each machine instructions.

General Format
[Label] <opcode> <operands> [; comment]
BEGIN ADD A,B; Add A and B

High Level Languages
    High level languages are written using a set of words and symbols following some rules. Similar to natural language such as English. The program written in High level languages are known as source programs and these programs are converted into machine readable form by using compilers or interpreters. Compiler is a program which translates source codes written in particular programming language into computer readable code. During the translation process the compiler reads the source program and checks "Syntax Errors".