Tuesday, 27 February 2018


Google security

Google study shows how our acocunt is most likely to be hijacked.To get the right understanding of how hijackers steal users passwords and other credentials, Google conducted an analysis of online password theft.The study found phishing poses the great threat to internet users security.Google says, besides phishing and keyloggers latest hackers managed to collect IP addresses and even phone numbers.To make our passwords unphishable Google recommends us to activate 2 factor authentification.

By ranking the relative risk to users , we found that phishing poses the greatest threat followed by keyloggers and finally third party breaches.Our findings were clear enterprising hijackers are constantly searching for, and are ab;e to find billions of different platforms,usernames and passwords on black markets.We regularly scan activity across G suite of products for suspicious actions performed by hijackers and when we find any, we lock down the affected accounts to prevent any further damage as quickly as possible.

A Google Team along with the University of California Berkely tracked several black markets to study