Hi GuyZ,
Implementation of stack is another important problem in Data Structures paper. Implementation of stack using Singly Linked List can be another problem you may have to solve.
Implementation of stack is another important problem in Data Structures paper. Implementation of stack using Singly Linked List can be another problem you may have to solve.
#include <iostream> using namespace std; struct node{ int data; node *link = NULL; }; class stack{ node *root; public: stack(){ root = NULL; } void push(){ node *nn = new node; cout<<"Enter data: "; cin>>nn->data; nn->link = root; root = nn; cout<<"Data "<<nn->data<<" pushed to stack..."; } void pop(){ node *nn; if(root){ nn = root; root = root->link; cout<<"Data "<<nn->data<<" is popped from stack..."; delete(nn); } else{ cout<<"Error: Stack is empty..."; } } void empty(){ if(root){ cout<<"Stack is Not Empty..."; } else{ cout<<"Stack is Empty..."; } } void show(){ node *tmp = root; cout<<"Stack: "; if(root){ while(tmp){ cout<<tmp->data<<" "; tmp = tmp->link; } } else{ cout<<"Empty..."; } } }; class stackops{ stack s; public: void menu(){ int op = 0; cout<<"\t\t\tMENU\n1. PUSH\n2. POP\n3. Status\n4. Show\n5. Exit"; while(op!=5){ cout<<"\nOption: "; cin>>op; switch(op){ case 1: s.push(); break; case 2: s.pop(); break; case 3: s.empty(); break; case 4: s.show(); break; case 5: break; default: cout<<"Error: Try again..."; break; } } } }; int main() { stackops s; s.menu(); return 0; }