Hi GuyZ,
This is another important question you have to solve in Linked List. This may be your work in Data Structures and Algorithms syllabus of MCA/BCA/BTech.
This is another important question you have to solve in Linked List. This may be your work in Data Structures and Algorithms syllabus of MCA/BCA/BTech.
Source Code
/* Coded By Ajith Kp[ajithkp560] http://www.terminalcoders.blogspot.com */ #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct node { int data; node *link=NULL; }*root; int main(){ int n, data, i; node *nn, *tmp, *pn; root = new node; cout<<"Enter size of array to sort: "; cin>>n; //arr = new int[n]; cout<<"Enter "<<n<<" items: "; cin>>data; nn = new node; nn->data = data; root = nn; for(i=1;i<n;i++){ cin>>data; nn = new node; tmp = root; nn->data = data; if(tmp->data>nn->data){ nn->link = tmp; root = nn; } else{ while(tmp && tmp->data<nn->data){ pn = tmp; tmp = tmp->link; } pn->link = nn; nn->link = tmp; } } cout<<"Sorted linked list: "; tmp = root; while(tmp){ cout<<tmp->data<<" "; tmp=tmp->link; } cout<<endl; return 0; }